Hello! Thomas (or Tom, or Tommy) Capone here. Welcome to my private coaching page. I own around 100+ vanity domain names, so CXOdepot.com is just as good as any.
Ah, I was supposed to go to medical school. That did not happen. I was always destined to be in SALES. Since 1983 I have been working for (selling to) Fortune 1000 companies, most in the telecom and technology industry. I have owned (literally) 100+ companies since then, many of them ‘MTP-USA.com’ companies: Maritime Technology Partners, Medical Technology Partners, Media Technology Partners, Municipal Technology Partners, My Teaching Partners, My Training Partners (I could keep going).
Around 15 years ago, there was an opportunity for me to ‘take over’ running the nearly bankrupt Distance Learning Association (during the last recession). I did take it over – and we went from “I can’t pay these bills!” to millions of both free and paid members, and growing. You can click on the RUTGERS logo on the ‘about us’ page of the NYDLA.org from 2012. They gave us $$$ – and their 500K+ living alumni. 2012: we’re going to be just fine!
NYDLA.org was originally ‘born’ out of the 5 boroughs of NYC (8.33 million people as of 2023) but during the pandemic, expanded to NADLA.org servicing the 579M+ living in North America. Other than Zoom, who could grow bigger and faster during COVID than the ‘remote’ members of the NYDLA.org right? And in 2025, once again the community expanded to cover South America, Asia, Africa, and Europe. Overall, we expect to be at 10M+ global members by the end of 2025.
Brevity is Bliss: I know a thing or two because I’ve seen a thing or two. I’ve worked directly with Billionaires, and directly with Mom and Pop startups. I was in the room when AOL went live. Same goes for Priceline. I was the 3rd person in the USA to sell ‘car phones’ when NYNEX Mobile went live in the 80s in the NYCGSA (New York Cellular Geographic Service Area). Selling Cellular Car Phones in the 80s was an education, as the only folks that could afford a car phone back then were very wealthy athletes and celebrities, or people running major corporations. What did you do for a living that you needed to make a phone call – from the car – for $.60 per minute? Today, those folks that I sold ‘car phones’ to in the 80s now run Fortune companies. And, we’re still friends.
So as I now enter my fifth decade in business, I am taking on private coaching clients (in business). I have in ‘speed dial’ CMOs, CFOs, CEOs, CTOs, CIOs, and other C-Suite folks, from the Fortune 1000. I have 300+ of the Fortune 1000 in my book of business, since 1983. I have 46% of the Schools of Business (and their alumni) in our now global community of the Distance Learning Association.
I would like to be your business coach! Maybe.
I would ask (anyone) that wants my help in business these seven questions:
- What is the #1 thing you need for your business?
- What is the #1 thing that you want for your business?
- What’s your biggest fear about your business?
- What do you deeply desire for your business?
- What have you tried in the past?
- Of the things that you tried in the past, what did you hate the most?
- Of the things that you tried in the past, what did you like the most?
Based on honest answers to these seven questions, I can make a decision if I can help. Sometimes, the answer is no. And that is just fine. We can remain friends on social media, and certainly remain as collaborators and colleagues in the (now global) Distance Learning Association. Ah, but if we are a mutual fit – then I can confidently make a 10X guarantee of ROI.
For every $100 spent on my coaching hours – my clients/students would enjoy $1,000 in business outcomes or I make up the difference. Full Stop. Business Outcomes, guaranteed.
If you can honestly answer the above questions (the more detailed the better) you can email your answers to CXOdepot@NYDLA.org and I’ll be in touch. And if we are a fit, we shall book a free Zoom meeting to discuss your answers.
Our first Zoom (or GoTo) meeting together is free – from there, we can work out the details on hourly fees and charges. But again, my ROI guarantee is always in place: 10X ROI on results – or I’ll make up the difference.
Oh, and don’t forget to
http://JoinNYDLA.org (with a free or paid membership) as that is
ALWAYS a good decision for
ANYONE in business – from
ANYWHERE in the world!
Thomas A. Capone,