The dramatic growth of the digital living industry makes our market attractive to a host of Knowledge, Technology, Talent and Service providers. Many of those providers are giving something back to our digital ecosystem by stepping up to sponsor the Association. Their generosity is vital to supporting the work of NYDLA-NADLA.
We pride ourselves on being able to count among our sponsors the “world-class” digital living vendors and sponsors. NYDLA-NADLA is joining and creating several virtual events not just for New York City, but for the whole of North America. And constantly growing our network by adding attendees, speakers and organizers to our membership program, the sponsor also gain insights that allow them to sharpen their focus or extend their reach into a broader digital living community.
With the help of NYDLA-NADLA Premium Sponsors, NYDLA-NADLA is able to reach the global digital living community and provide information, networking and opportunity in so many different ways. Through newsletters, social media platforms, websites, landing pages, gateways and virtual events, NYDLA-NADLA showcases its Premium Sponsors and highlights industry leaders, new products and the latest technology.
When we start living, learning, working, playing in the clouds, we all benefit in our ecosystem!

Sponsorship Cost:
– One Individual Membership.
– National conference
1 Conference Attendee Pass
50% discount on program ad, not to exceed half page
25% discount on one exhibit space
Bag insertion
Attendee list
Logo display
– Sponsor’s logo in Journal
– Sponsor’s logo in Newsletter

Sponsorship Cost:
All of the preceding, PLUS ….
– A total of 2 individual NYDLA memberships
– 1 Dedicated mailing to NYDLA mailing list
– National conference
1 Conference Attendee Pass
Half page Conference program Ad
50% discount on one exhibit space
– 1 Newsletter article per year

Sponsorship Cost:
All of the preceding, PLUS ….
– A total of 3 individual NYDLA memberships
– A co-presented webinar with Sponsor and a NYDLA Board member (or equivalent)
– 2 dedicated email announcements to NYDLA mailing list
– 1 free quarter page ad in Journal
– National conference
2 Conference Attendee Passes
1 half-page ad in Program
75% discount on one exhibit space
Organizational banner/sign display
1 sponsor session
1 “live” promo
– 2 Newsletter article per year

Sponsorship Cost:
All of the preceding, PLUS ….
– A total of 4 individual NYDLA memberships
– 2 webinars co-presented by Sponsor and Board member (or equivalent)
– 4 dedicated email announcements to NYDLA mailing list
– 2 free half page ads in Journal
– National conference
1 free exhibit space
1 full page ad in Program
3 Conference Attendee Passes
2 sponsor sessions

Sponsorship Cost:
All of the preceding, AND ….
This comes with a MARKETING SUITE of a full POD – Plus access to a Fortune 1000 CMO
We guarantee a 10x ROI or we make up the difference!
– A total of 10 individual NYDLA memberships
– 4 webinars co-presented by Sponsor and Board member (or equivalent)
– 6 dedicated email announcements to NYDLA mailing list
– 1 full page ads in Journal
– National conference
2 free exhibit space
2 full page ad in Program
5 Conference Attendee Passes
4 sponsor sessions