VIP Invitation from Thomas A. Capone, Executive Director,
Living, Learning, Working and Playing in the Clouds
via the IoT (The Internet of Things)
August 6th, 2015 3pm to 5pm
Please come join us this Thursday, August 6th at 1 Penn Plaza – New York City (Polycom HQ, 48th Floor) as we explore the new world of global collaboration and real-time communications.
Keynote presenters from, Microsoft, Google, Wells Fargo, Verizon, IDT and others will guide us, field questions, and help us to navigate the new world of global, real-time instant collaboration and communication.
It seems like it was only yesterday that using a 56k modem was state-of-the-art. Waiting for a picture to download on AOL was painstakingly slow. Ten years ago, companies like and services like online banking were predicted to fail. Less than ten years ago, there were no iPhones, no iPads, no YouTube and no Khan Academy.
Less than ten years ago, online education, distance learning, and remote work were considered a second class substitute for the “real thing”. Mobile phones were still way too expensive for most people to own. Netflix, WiFi and HD Telepresence have all now become expected. Skype has changed the way we communicate (for free) around the world, with both voice and video. Millennials are the first generation to have iPads as textbooks, with real-time content being updated daily.
On a personal level, I have been selling telecom and technology products and services since 1983 (NYNEX Mobile) and I have “seen the future” many times. There has never been more opportunity for (all of us) to embrace this fusion of knowledge, technology and talent on a global basis. Membership in the is growing at an exponential rate, and this is a testiment to the new world of techology based learning systems.
There is no putting this genie back into the bottle.
The Cloud in all of its forms is here to stay, and we need to embrace this new way of learning, working, living and playing (with safety and security) via “The Internet of Things.” Looking for a job? A new career? There are jobs, jobs JOBS in the clouds! Come to NYC on August 6th and go home energized with new possibilities for your career and your future.
Our day will begin at 3pm on the 48th floor of the Polycom Experience Center, at 1 Penn Plaza, New York City. Polycom guided tours of “the future of work” will take place every 15 minutes. Keynote presentations will be on the half hour. At 5pm, we shall adjourn to the rooftop bar for networking. Bring lots of business cards!
As our VIP guest, admission to this event is free, but you must pre-register and have a photo ID to enter the building. We are expecting a waiting list for this event, so please register early!
Thomas A. Capone
Executive Director
Click here to Learn More and to Pre-Register