Hi, TomCapone.com here. Thanks for the connection.

I run the Distance Learning Association. I took over running the “DLA” during the last recession, when (at the time) the non-profit was shutting down. NO ONE had any money. We took the Association from bankruptcy in 2010, to 5.8M+ members. And now, we are GLOBAL – we are active in every part of the world (less Antarctica).

Distance Learning has become DIGITAL Learning and now, it is all just DIGITAL LIVING. We grew from servicing the 5 boroughs of New York City to now – servicing the world.

We expect to be at 10M+ Global Members come this time next year. Why not put the knowledge, the technology and the talent of ALL of our global members to work for you, your business, your school today?

Here’s the point: if you think about it, you are already a “member” of our global Distance Learning Association. We just never made it “official.”  You are already living in a globally connected world. And that is the point of this email, from me to you.

If you have questions, I would love to answer them, live. Real human to human communication.

“We are all Living, Learning, Working, Playing, Teaching, Training, Coaching, Mentoring in the Global Cloud Economy” 

– Thomas. A. Capone (CEO)

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