2021 Speakers Coming Soon
Here’s a look at the luminaries from last year’s EDTECH WEEK Illuminations
One week of school:
Your favorite teachers, classmates, and topics.
As educators of students and entrepreneurs, we have reimagined the traditional format of a conference to offer a unique virtual experience bringing us even closer together than we had thought possible.

Renowned faculty and industry leaders present on high-value topics.

Interviews with thought leaders from around the world.

Working groups grapple with pressing problems and offer potential solutions.

Meet 1:1 with education leaders at field-defining organizations.

Leading startups in EdTech pitch their ideas followed by discussion with related investors.

Speed networking with the EdTech community.
EDTECH WEEK addresses the entire spectrum of education stages
We highlight the people from our community that define how we all learn, teach, work, and share knowledge. Through our new 2021 VIRTUAL MODALITIES, we’ll learn together about all stages and phases of education.