Cheri Jacobus
How Democrats Can Win the Next Election
Just as Ronald Reagan garnered support from disaffected Democrats in the 1980s, Democrats now have an opportunity to win over disaffected Republican voters, including some Trump supporters. In this chapter, renowned political strategist Cheri Jacobus will discuss the key issues for the 2022 and 2024 elections, and why she believes Democrats can win with an “anti-corruption” platform.



What’s included in a chapter?
We’ll cover…
Trump indictment tied to January 6
Decisive accountability will go a long way to finally sway some Trump voters. Importantly, it will serve as rocket-fuel for Democrat voter turnout in the 2022 congressional midterm elections and the 2024 Presidential election. We will explore the various impact data points, and likely and possible scenarios.
Stock trading congressmen
Donald Trump has raised this issue as a means to stab a congressional enemy or two in the back. It has some bi-partisan support but should be embraced, completely co-opted and resolved by Democrats. While there are “bad actors” and hypocrisy on all fronts, the issue is not likely to go away. Who wins? Who loses? We’ll discuss how to make lemonade for those who are holding lemons.
Pull Trumpism out by the roots
Democrats must refer Trump allies who’ve lied to Congress or defied congressional subpoenas to the DoJ for indictment. No exceptions. While the DoJ may not act, it will be their cross to bear. Congressional Democrats should not be a part of waving the white flag. We’ll look at the price to be paid by not holding these players accountable.
End Citizens United, call out the dark money
Sunlight is a disinfectant. Democrats should embrace it, bottle it, and shine it on Republicans. From the frightening impact of the far-right scary groups with religious cult influence, to the money influence of individual thought leaders, writers and pundits — full disclosure is imperative. Who funds those superPACs with the patriotic-sounding names? How is the money spent? Who is “bought”?
It’s the budget, stupid: eliminating waste
The campaign talking points on this subject are seemingly endless. Lassoing waste and fraud in government spending is a winning sleeper issue for Democrats. Traditionally, it fell under the Republican header of “fiscal conservatism” but is now ripe for Democrats to embrace under the “anti-corruption” header.
Are political media too cozy with elected officials, pundits, or lobbyists?
Do Democrats have the guts to mitigate what has become a corrupt environment? Yes — there have always been those relationships out of necessity – but how much is too much? Does corporate media have too much power that has nothing to do with journalism? Have the lines become too blurred?Is it time to bring back The Fairness Doctrine?
About the Instructor

Cheri is a nationally-recognized political strategist, pundit and writer. Her centrist commentary at times takes on the Republican Party, including its leaders. She’s a registered independent and one of the country’s strongest “Never Trump” voices. Her work has been published by USA Today, The Hill, The Guardian, The Daily Beast, and New York Daily News.
- Adjunct professor at George Washington University’s Graduate School of Political Management.
- Founder and President of the political and PR consulting firm Capitol Strategies PR.
- Founder, President and Executive Producer of “America Reads The Mueller Report,” which aired on local TV in several states to educate Americans on what Special Counsel Robert Mueller actually found and reported.
- RNC spokesperson and Communications Director for the House Education and Workforce Committee after the historic 1994 GOP takeover of Congress during the Contract for America.
- Appearances on CNN, FOX News, MSNBC, CBSNews.com, PBS, and ABC.