L&D Elysium 2021
February 16, 2021 – February 20, 2021
We are delighted to intimate you about the Learning and Development Summit and Awards – “L&D Elysium 2021.” The conference is being organised by Indian Institute of Public Administration and Ashis Sen Consulting and Coaching, Mumbai.
IIPA is an autonomous academic institution of national eminence for training, research and information dissemination in streams related to the ethos of Public Administration. Conceived by well-known US expert Paul H. Appleby and Founded and promoted by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, it is now known internationally as a premier centre for Training and Research in Public Administration and Management.
ASCC is a respected brand in the Learning & Development space with a proven track record of designing and implementing strategic solutions to business organizations in India. ASCC’s clients include Fortune 500, Maharatna and Multinational companies operating in India. ASCC’s unique approach is not only what differentiates, but also what makes it successful. ASCC provides services and solutions to help organizations facilitate change, achieve their vision and optimize performance and productivity.
We are passing through unprecedented times. Yet these are the times where it is increasingly realized that Learning and Development is key to individual and organizational engagement and competitive edge.
It is imperative that we create an apt platform to share organisational best practices and experiences. Accordingly, the subject event has been designed to promote and encourage organizational Learning and the role of L&D in organizations. The L&D Summit and Awards would, therefore, focus on strengthening a unique and deliberate learning culture in organizations.
The Summit, apart from paper presentations by leading practitioners and professors from across the globe, would also witness knowledge contributions from L&D experts, CEOs and CXOs, Global Thought Leaders and futurists. This is an event that cannot be missed.
· 5 Day Mega Event – 2 Days Paper Presentations – 3 days Panel Discussions and Awards
· A Virtual Extravaganza
· 45 Hours of Learning from Eminent Global Speakers & Knowledge Sharing Sessions