Stefan Doering
Stefan Doering, CEO of Shift Group, has started and run seven small businesses in New York, taught over 3,000 classroom hours (for institutions like Columbia University, Stony Brook University, Levin Institute and many others), and coached and worked with over 4,000 entrepreneurs worldwide.

John Reaves
John Reaves, VP of Innovation at cWave, is an entrepreneur and innovation consultant, working with large and small companies and non -profits, including IBM, Microsoft, SAP, NTT, Nationwide, GE, the National Science Foundation, and many others. He’s is a gifted curriculum designer and has decades of experience with digital learning, virtual events and collaborative programs.

Thomas Moebus
Tom Moebus, CEO of TenXGrow and Advisor, Shift Group, played leadership roles at MIT, UC Irvine, and SUNY; founded several companies and OCTANe, SoCal’s innovation ecosystem, which launched >300 biz, and raised $3B. As VP at Levin Institute in NYC, he led FastTrac NYC, which taught over 3,500 entrepreneurs, and was founding director of 1st Confucius Institute for Business in the US.