Enterprise logistics for everyone
Powerful software is at the core of everything we do.
Shipwire fits with your business
Our enterprise logistics platform will help lower your cost, grow your sales, and
deliver a great experience for your customers.
Shipwire is passionate about helping you grow.
The Shipwire Manifesto:
Changing logistics
Bringing smart, simple and scalable logistics to businesses of every size.
Open & Honest
Being transparent with our customers because righting things that go
wrong is part of logistics.
Passionate & caring
Handling every order as if it were our own.
Providing logistics that go unnoticed and “just work.”
Listening intently
Responding to the needs and desires of our customers.
Good people
Always being more than just a cluster of warehouses, servers and API calls.
Sharing knowledge
Helping others succeed through our knowledge, and the experiences of those who’ve come before.
Always looking ahead, and helping you get there faster.
Respecting the planet
Investing in the future. Green packaging and shorter distances are just a start.
Always improving
Transforming feedback into new features and refinements.
Shipwire + Ingram Micro
Ingram Micro is now powering Shipwire. As the world’s largest wholesale technology distributor and a global leader in supply-chain and mobile device lifecycle services, Ingram Micro is one of the pioneers of supply-chain services. Through their dedicated support of Shipwire, we will exponentially improve our best-in-class supply chain solution for brands of all sizes.
For more information, email info@nydla.org or fill out the form below!