Our Cloud-Based Technology Allows Us To Get Anything And Everything Done For You


Over 40 years in business we have the experience to make you successful and help you remain Successful.


We have all leading global technologies in the world as partners, vendors and sponsors. We use what we sell and we sell what we use.


We provide you with talented people habiting in all nations of the world. They are tested and they are proven. Capable of handling simple and complex projects.

Why STRATUSstaff

Cost efficient: Big savings with time and money. Shorter overheads and slash employee trainings.

Free from worries: Have a peace of mind and sleep soundly while PODS are doing the work for you. working with a reliable outsourcing partner should give you peace of mind, knowing that the tasks are being handled efficiently, even without your guidance.


STRATUSstaff Talents In Every Time Zone Available At Your Disposal

Let us Help You Thrive

Hire Experts: Three for the price of One. A “POD” for the price of One. A team trained to execute via our PROCESS, completing your project in the fastest and most efficient way possible. Earn and save more money with the help of a POD.

Because We Are Different

Risk Protection: By outsourcing certain tasks or processes to experts in their respective fields, businesses can take advantage of their enhanced ability to plan and mitigate potential risks

This Is How It Works

PODS available 24/7: You can continue to get things done even after YOUR regular working hours with a POD fully functioning in every time zone, trained to only produce results that are PROFITABLE and SCALABLE 24 hours of the time. Use STRATUSstaff.

All DLA members save 30% on a TEAM of 3 from STRATUSstaff.com. Fill out the form below or email STRATUSstaff@NYDLA.org 
Fill out my online form.

Living. Learning. Working. Playing.

In the CLOUDS. And at HOME.