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Dr. Azadegan focuses on research related to supply chain disruptions, response and recovery from disruptions and inter-organizational creativity and innovation. Dr. Azadegan manages the Supply Chain Disruption Research Laboratory (SCDrl) at the Center for Supply Chain Management.
Dr. Azadegan’s work is published in the Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management Journal, Journal of Supply Chain Management, R&D Management Journal, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management and International Journal of Operations and Production Management. He is currently working on several projects related to disruption recovery and response management practices of supply chains.
Dr. Azadegan has over ten years of industry experience with Fortune 500 companies, including Ford Motor Company, Quaker Oats, Ralston Purina and Fortune Brands (makers of Masterlock) as a means for grounding his research into what is useful for practitioners. He is an active member of the Decision Sciences Institute, and an officer (treasurer) with the Academy of Management – Operations Management Division.

Dr. Erickson consults on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and our technology future.
His long and distinguished career has focused on POPs such as PCBs, and dioxins, where he is a sought-after expert on chemical analysis, environmental fate and transport, environmental sampling, data evaluation, human exposure, and chemical and physical properties.
Our technology future will form our individual and societal lives. Dr. Erickson focuses on technology trends that represent opportunities and threats to society, markets, and our homeland security. He shapes goals, methods and strategies for advancing technology programs. He develops strategies that will influence our technology future.
He has a chemistry background most famously as author of the best-selling book “Analytical Chemistry of PCBs.” He worked as a government contract researcher for 20 years, including 10 years at Argonne National Lab, then served 10 years as director of Environmental Measurements Lab (now NUSTL) and led the transition of the lab from DOE into DHS when DHS was created. For the past decade, he established and advanced the technology scouting and horizon scanning capabilities for DHS before retiring late 2018 with 22 years of Federal service.