Request, Meet, and Hire Pre-vetted Freelancers
FreeeUp recruits, interviews, and vets thousands of freelancers every month then gives you access to the top 1% of applicants.
Get introduced to a freelancer from the marketplace matching your needs within 1 business day.
Choose The Best Freelancer For You
Browse the three levels of freelancers that are available in the FreeeUp Marketplace.

How The Marketplace Works

1. Create An Account
Free to sign up. No minimums. Gain immediate access to the freelancer marketplace.
2. Request A Freelancer
Request the freelancer you need. Meet a pre-vetted freelancer within 1 biz day.
3. Hire A Freelancer
Have a quick 15-20 minute interview. Then hire the freelancer you like best.
4. Track Hours and Billing
Manage all freelancer hours, billing, and future freelancer requests from your account.
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