NYCDA Event – June 28


Wine and Code — JavaScript Basics

It’s here — our first Wine and Code workshop! These workshops are built to help educate Seattleites at all skill levels in different programming languages. Javascript is known to be THE programming language of the web, or at least the main tool to create interactive content on the web. Whether you agree or not, it’s often a must have in many tech communities — including at Amazon with the Alexa and Echo team! Come join us on Tuesday, June 28th as our guest speaker from the Amazon Alexa/Echo teams talks about the use of JavaScript in Echo’s platform and then teaches some some great basic JavaScript skills! Know of someone who wants to guest speak at a future event? Have a great idea for our next Wine&Code event? Want to host a Wine&Code at your office? Submit your ideas/comments here!

Tue Jun 28 2016 6:30 PM- 9:30 PM

Seattle, WA


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