Founder, Hacker, Productivity Enthusiast
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Learn more about Reilly Sweetland & FollowUpThen.
About Reilly Sweetland
Reilly Sweetland is the founder of FollowUpThen (YC S17), MailBots, Internet Simplicity (acq 2016), TypeRoom. He is also a productivity enthusiast, autodidact, hacker, nutritionist, husband, dad.
FollowUpThen is the simplest email reminder. Send an email to 3days@followupthen.com, tomorrow@followupthen.com or [any-time]@followupthen.com and you’ll receive an email back at that time.
Reilly Sweetland is the Chief-followup’er at FollowUpThen. An avid reader of books on business strategy, technology, health, productivity and (sometimes) fiction.
In 2010, he co-founded FollowUpThen to provide a simpler, more efficient way to manage email. Initially it was a side-project. In 2016, after years of organic growth and feedback from passionate customers, he decided to sell his software consulting company to work on FollowUpThen full-time.
In 2017, he was accepted into Y Combinator as a solo technical founder, raised a round of seed funding, and began building a platform designed to change the way they work.
With the help of our visionary customers, he realized that work on FollowUpThen is solving a fundamental human need: Helping people gain control over their attention. By lowering the friction to place moments in the future, we are helping people become more mindful of the present.