Zack Schuler
Zack Schuler is the CEO of NINJIO, a leader in the Cybersecurity Awareness Training space, recognized by Gartner Peer Insights as the highest rated in our industry. With over 1,000,000 viewers a month, NINJIO AWARE, their flagship product, empowers employees at some of the world’s largest organizations on how to protect themselves against cyber threats and cyber scams. As their clients’ employees make the paradigm shift that NINJIO is built to protect themselves, they, in turn, protect the organization they work for, in addition to their family, and their friends.
This works through their Hollywood creation of 3-4 minute long animated episodes that are based on or inspired by a real company that has suffered a significant breach, while Zack and his team focuses on a single attack vector so that their viewers are not overwhelmed with too many security concepts. Zack and his team emotionally connect with their end-users in the first scene of every episode and keep them engaged until the end, ensuring that they’ve learned and digested the “teachable moment” so that they can use it in action when faced with a threat.
NINJIO releases a new Episode every 30 days, with additional pieces of media distributed to employees throughout the month. Their “Frequency” is what keeps Security Awareness “Top-of-Mind” for their end users, and that is why the organizations that they work for suffer far fewer breaches.