TomCapone.com here. Thank you for downloading the AireSpring SD-WAN White Paper.
We have been a MASTER AGENT for AireSpring for 23 years. I can honestly say that the AireSpring Global SD-WAN solution is the best I have ever seen in the telecom industry. As the Executive Director of the (now global) Distance Learning Association we have made access to our Master Agency a value-added member benefit. If you would like to book a meeting with me to discuss all things AireSpring (or discuss anything at all) just click here.
We are also Master Agents for GoTo and Zoom. It makes sense that the global Distance Learning community would be “power users” of all aspects of cloud communications. If you would like to test drive any of the GoTo or Zoom products or services, we can easily set you up with free trial accounts. And when it is time to buy – you can enjoy OUR buying power which is currently $950M+ in annual telecom and technology spend!
We hope that you would consider upgrading from a FREE to a PAID member. Our membership fees are $25 per month for 1 to 9 people. $250 per month for 10 to 99 people. And we customize membership for any company with more than 100 people.
OUR GUARANTEE: you will enjoy a 10X ROI on any dues or fees that you ever send us – or we make up the difference. We expect to be at 10M+ Global members come this time next year – we would love to have you and your colleges join us!
Thomas A. Capone, CEO
Cell: 201-466-8442 [Texting Preferred or VM]
Work Email: CEO@NYDLA.org and CEO@TAC-USA.com
Personal Email: TomCapone@gmail.com
My LinkedIn: www.TomCapone.com
My Sunday Blog: www.ThomasCapone.com
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You should join the Technology Assurance Cooperative today!
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