Driven by the love for storytelling, this autobiography was written in the form of short stories
(based on true events).
Each short story creatively and collectively describes the top ten most valuable life lessons or secrets that Tarick learned while growing up in Jamaica and experiencing overwhelming challenges at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Each short story is directly inspired by a unique life-changing experience in Tarick’s personal development, which has made a lasting impact on his outlook toward public service, career, family, spirituality, and the world around him. To creatively capture the imaginations of readers young and old, each chapter expresses vivid connections among film, music, and poetry, which ultimately promote the unmatched brand mystique of Jamaican culture in an exciting way. Through honest reflections of personal life-altering experiences, ranging from depressing disappointments to international accomplishments, this motivational memoir describes the full spectrum of Tarick’s navigated path throughout adolescent life.
With his lifelong passion and love for tennis, which is arguably the most mentally and physically demanding single-player sport, this book highlights compelling stories throughout the history of tennis (prior to 2020) that convey how each life lesson in synonymous in sports using historical and fact-based statistics.

The Author
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