How to bridge the distance between business strategy and design

Using the visual language of the boardroom, The Brand Gap presents the first unified theory of branding—a set of five disciplines that let companies bridge the gap between brand strategy and brand execution. If you already have a grasp of branding, you’ll find new inspiration here. If you don’t and wish you did, by the time you finish reading this book, you’ll suddenly “get it.”
The Brand Gap is the world’s most-read book on branding. A SlideShare version has been viewed over 20 million times.
Who should read it:
The Brand Gap is perfect for students of marketing, design, branding, and business. It’s also great for anyone whose job is to organize or be part of a branding effort. Many professionals tell me that their first exposure to branding was through this book.
“Learn about the power of imagery and the role of research in building a heavy-duty brand—without the heavy-duty reading”
—David A. Aaker, Professor of Haas School of Business; renowned brand author
“Neumeier reminds us that the ultimate moment of truth for all brands is the customer’s experience.”
—Kurt Kuehn, VP Worldwide Sales and Marketing, UPS
“The book slices like a hot knife through the turgid, pseudo-scientific nonsense that surrounds branding.”
—Brian Collins, founder of Collins
Marty Neumeier started as a graphic designer and copywriter in the 1970s. In 1984, when the Macintosh launched, he moved to Silicon Valley to help companies like Apple, Netscape, HP, Adobe, and Google build their brands.
In 1996, Marty Neumeier started Critique, the first magazine about design thinking. After five years it failed. He then launched Neutron, a design think tank focused on brand-building processes that drive organizational change. It succeeded. Marty, later merged Neutron with Liquid Agency, and here he is. As Director of CEO Branding at Liquid, he consult with leaders and execs of some of the world’s most exciting companies, while writing and speaking on the topics of business strategy, design, and innovation.
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